Vindictive Drive 2 Wiki

Vindictive Drive 2: Maidbot Archive is a bullet hell game with character collection as the main focus, here's some basics that new players should know early to improve faster.

Use your boost properly[]

WASD moves your machine and SHIFT makes it accelerate forward, it boosts your forward movement only, so moving your mouse to the sides to dodge enemy attacks using boost is something worth practicing.



Enemies are tough, they are at least as strong as your mech, the only thing making a difference being your Maidbot, this is what you get to learn when you use Zero, to keep your distance with caution and backpedal as you shoot, staying outside of the enemy's range whenever possible.

Learn to craft Maidbots[]

It's the point of the game, some require crafting, others require skill feats, but you need more than Zero, the game heavily pushes getting Shireywha first, on the tutorial screen, and it's the first thing Zero will say, as a matter of fact Zero won't shut up about it and about how Shireywha is so cool.

Get her.

Reading your Maidbots' kits[]


You just got a new Maidbot, but you don't know what she does, some are very straightforward like Kyvzaki, others like Vu are very kit and skill reliant, making them perform terrible if you don't play around their skills properly, make sure to read their cards before you use them.

The Maidbots that are more technical reward you greatly for the effort you put into knowing their skills, Vu has the single highest damage per hit of all Maidbots.

The Archive is a good place to do it, talk to Amaranth on the bridge to access it.

Save the game often[]


Just do it

Read your Map[]

Your New Noir City Map contains information about where to find resources, what Maidbots need them, how dangerous the areas are and checkpoint location, it is very important to keep an eye on your Map.

Close and open the game if you get a lag spike[]

If you find a lag spike, closing the game and starting it will fix it, it's absolutely random upon entering a new area generally after playing for a while, and happens to some players. Keep an eye on the patch notes as we await for a permanent fix.
