Vindictive Drive 2 Wiki
Welcome to the Vindictive Drive 2 Wiki!

Wikia for Vindictive Drive 2: Maidbot Archive, a Mecha Action-Anime themed game where you collect Maidbots and explore a city in the middle of a machine invasion.

The Maidbots are voiced by talented professionals of videogame, TV/Film and Anime industries. The game also harrs an official manga under production, with the story of Vitakrosis, one of the characters of the game.

This Wiki will include information about the game, characters, builds and guides.

This Wikia is new and will be updated as the bureaucrat can, but is welcome to contribution as well. The game is actively in development so the pool of information on the game will continue to grow as well.

Important articles:[]

Newbie Guide
New Noir City Map

Store page:[]

Official Site:[]

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